Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Works In Progress...



  "The Harvest"  
Acrylic on canvas
6ft x 6ft

I still have a lot of work to do on this one but I wanted to post it to show where my painting skill is at the moment.  I really think that you can still see the struggle in my painting but I'm working on that.  The image is of an angel harvesting cash out of the clouds.  This started off as a collage...




Here is one I designed for my mother -
Beauties bathing as an angel gets her wings....

I started out with this collage and blew it up for the painting.  The collage is only 2" x 3" and the final painting is 4ft x 4ft.    This one still needs a lot of work as well.  I am hoping to have it done within the next few weeks so I can deliver it shortly after the new year.


"Epic Win"
4ft x 4ft
Oil on Canvas

Tuesday, November 6, 2012



I have had to take a break from attending Kline Academy due to school starting.  I unexpectedly received funding to go and now I am currently attending Santa Monica College in pursuit of my Business-Marketing degree with certification in Entrepreneurship.  Next semester I will be attending Otis College of Art and Design to finish my Bachelor's in Fine Art-Painting.  I only have one semester left and I am so excited to go back to Otis.  

Despite my change of circumstances I am still pursuing my desire to master painting.  The Mandala is retired for now.  At this point you will be able to see me work on my personal projects, not just student projects.  Again, I am just learning - have done relatively few paintings.  I have nothing but trial and error guiding me now (and the occasional Youtube video).

I welcome your comments and suggestions.  I will try to reply to them as soon as I can.  I hope you enjoy this change in the blog or at least find my struggle amusing. :)